
Navicular Disease and your Horse

There are a variety of diseases that can affect your horse, so it is important to have a farm vet that you can call when things go wrong. If you want to provide the very best care, however, your best bet is to simply learn about horse health. When you do this, it is easier to prevent diseases and injuries when possible. One such medical condition that can be prevented is known as navicular disease. By learn how to treat a horse properly, you can make sure that your horse is never affected by these health problems.

Navicular disease is the most commonly cause of a horse being lame. While the term “disease” is regularly used, this is actually not an accurate term, because problems with a horse’s navicular region is 100% due to treatment by the owners. Improper care is a main problem and can lead not only to navicular “disease,” but also to a variety of other health problems with your horse.

The navicular bone has two main purposes in the horse’s leg. First, is protects the joints from pressure when the horse is walking, running, and even standing. The second reason horses have a navicular bone is to distribute blood into the horse’s hoof. Both of these things are important for a horse’s overall health.

Navicular problems are usually found in horses confined to stalls and to horse with strong physical demands placed upon them. Poor foot care and the horse’s shoes can also be problems. If your horse has navicular problems, the best things you can do are removing the shoes and keeping him or her in a pasture. This medical condition is not hereditary, so by giving your horse a better life, the problem should clear and your horse will not have to be put down. Remember, a horse’s hooves have to be trimmed properly and problems with the hooves treated quickly.

With proper care for you horse, problems like navicular disease can be avoided altogether. Horses require a lot of medical attention care, so before you get a horse, make sure that you are prepared with enough time and money to provide your horse with a good home. Before getting a horse, make sure you talk to your vet to make sure that it is what you really want to do and that you will be able to be responsible for the horse you get.

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