
What to do on job fairs and job interviews?

Having a stable job is an ultimate dream for every individual. It is because there is this unique dignity it brings for man. In a world of needs and competitions, it is an advantage to have a job- especially the job you enjoy.

However, pastures are not that green everywhere. Unemployment and underemployment are two of the leading social and economic problems in the modern times. To date, governments are struggling on how to give sufficient number of jobs for all. Every year the number of job-seekers increases but the number of jobs available is not that increasing as what it was expected to. Most localities hold job fairs to give opportunity for those are still looking for one.

A job fair you once neglected and did not believe to might have been the great twist for a lifetime. Are there good things on job fairs? Yes there are, and for you to win them, you have to take note of the following especially on how to make it on a job interview:

Have a picture of the job you want. Go to a job fair with a clear target. Think of what job, position and what are the skills you have in order to get the position you planned. You must also consider if these skills are valuable for an employer or employers. Attitude is another important element. Employers look for people who are zestful and willful towards work.

Prior to the job fair as well as the interview, be sure to plan ahead if who are the employers you want to work for. Dressing up for the fair or the interview is a helpful tip. Dress professionally and do not wear too much make up. Dress up in a conservative but decent way. Do not be too conscious and just carry your self with the confidence needed.

Do not forget to bring correct and credible resume. They serve as the mirror of what you are as an applicant- qualified or not. There are sites which could guide one in preparing a resume. You could visit these sites and seek help. Also, prepare an interesting yet sincere introduction. Besides your basic information, include your reason for applying, and the skills that are relevant to what the company looks for. Show how much you are interested with the job but never manifest your aim for salary above anything else.

This dictum is not true in all cases but try your best in order to build a good picture in the employer’s mind. “First impression lasts”- as many say.

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