When you are talking about bankruptcy in general, you are going to find that there are many ways to file for bankruptcy. In general, when you file for bankruptcy you are saying that you no longer have enough money to pay back your debts or to pay your creditors. If this is the case, you are filing for bankruptcy. The good news for you is that filing for bankruptcy is going to give you a fresh start. The courts will decide how your creditors are to be paid off, and you will no longer be in debt. The bad news is that it is going to reflect poorly on your credit for a long time. However, you will be able to begin to make money on your own that doesn’t have to go towards paying your debt, and this is good news because you are going to find you can start over again.
However, there are different practices when it comes to filing for bankruptcy, and there are different ways to file. These different ways are named after the different chapters in the Bankruptcy Cod of the United States Code. Chapter 12 is a piece of the code that is only available to family farmers and to fishermen who have gone through certain situations and end up with no money to pay back their creditors.
The Chapter 12 of Title 11 states that the bankruptcy filings of family farmers and fishermen are to be handled in a slightly different way than ordinary US earners. Chapter 12 has always been under fire, and was set to expire in 2004, before it was renewed and made permanent. It is similar to chapter 13, except for that it benefits the farmers and the fishermen.
The reason that family farmers and fishermen need a separate code to file bankruptcy under is quite simple. While most wage earners have jobs and businesses, many times the success or failure of farmers and fishermen can be completely out of their hands. Weather and natural disasters play a big part in whether or not a farmer or fisherman succeeds. Therefore, when a farmer or a fisherman is going to file for bankruptcy, these things need to be taken into consideration because there are going to be different allowances made for situations that are not under the control of the person who is filing for bankruptcy. It is all designed with the best interest of the parties involved in mind
Filing Chapter 12
Author: Adsense
| at : 7:12 PM |
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